Mountain Therapies

CBT, EMDR and ACT psychotherapies

Picture of woman jumping in a lake

Sessions available in person in Sheffield and online

All therapists are qualified and accredited with the BABCP

Starting therapy can be a big decision. We’ve included some information on the types of therapies we offer and common problems we have experience of working with as a starting point. If you would like any more information or have any questions you can email us at

Free Consultation Call

We also offer a free 15 minute phone call to get a sense of whether we can help and what approach might be best. These can be booked via email and are usually on a Friday.

Private Therapy Room

Our therapy room is in South West Sheffield. Let us know if there is anything needed to make the space more manageable for you. There are currently a few shallow steps so it is not fully accessible for disabled people.

Small business

Our therapists mostly work in the NHS and only offer a few sessions in private practise.

Consultation and Supervision

We can also offer one-off sessions or regular supervision for professionals.

Green Focus

As well as a garden environment, we are working towards being a sustainable business. We encourage active travel options. Any profits from private work will go towards our long-term greener vision.






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